* @module MbtPlanner
* @author thierry.schmit@gmail.com
* @copyright Cabinet Camus Lebkiri (2019)
* @license MIT
* @overview dependencies:
* - required
* - jquery
* - optional
* - moment https://github.com/moment/moment/
* [samples](http://planner.madbuildertools.com/)
(function (exports) {
"use strict";
var _endOfTheWorld = new Date("2500-01-01");
function isPromise(p) {
return !!p && typeof p.then === 'function'
function ContextMenu(contId, menu, openCallback) {
if (contId.startsWith("#"))
contId = contId.substring(1);
let cont = document.getElementById(contId);
if (cont === null) {
let body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
cont = document.createElement("div");
cont.id = contId
if (!$(cont).hasClass("contextMenu")) {
$("body").on("click", function () {
$(cont).css('display', 'none');
return function (evt) {
var ul = $("<ul>");
menu.forEach((m) => {
if (m.visible) {
var li = $("<li>" + m["title"] + "</li>");
li.on("click", async function (evt) {
let r = m["action"](m, evt);
if (isPromise(r))
await r;
$(contId).css('display', 'none');
//if (openCallback) openCallback(data || evt, index);
.css('left', (evt.pageX - 2) + 'px')
.css('top', (evt.pageY - 2) + 'px')
.css('display', 'block');
* @constructor
* @param {any} id Unique identifier of a DOM element that will be used as placeholder for the planner
var MbtPlanner = function (id) {
if (window.jQuery === undefined) {
throw "jQuery required for MbtPlanner";
if (!id.startsWith("#"))
id = "#" + id;
this.Id = id;
* @property {array} Resources an array of
* {
* Id: id,
* OutOfWorkDays: [], string XXXX-MM-DD
* ClosedIsoDays: [], int between 0 and 6. 7 is equivalent to 0 (sunday)
* }
this.Resources = [];
this.ClosedIsoDays = [6, 7];
this.OutOfWorkDays = [];
this.ProgressStep = 25;
this.DefaultLoads = [];
this.FirstIsoDayOfWeek = 1;
this.TodayChar = "+";
* @property {function} CustomFormatter function that returns a string from a Task object. Default:
* (task) => task.IRef + ": " + task.Code
* */
this.CustomFormatter = null;
* @property {function} CustomResourceFooter function that returns a string from a Resource object, and load aggregated value. Default:
* (r, load) => r.Id.toString() + ": " + load.toFixed(2)
* */
this.CustomResourceFooter = null;
//gestion d'erreur d'arrondie, on ne planifie pas cette fraction de jour:
this.Resolution = 16;
this.fontSize = 12;
this.dayWidth = 15;
//css inline line-height for the component
this.dayHeight = 15;
//for the svg experimental version
this.dayWGutter = 2;
this.dayHGutter = 2;
* @property {function} Save function that saves modified task completions. Default:
* null
* */
this.Save = null;
* @param {function} save a function taking the result of this.GetDeltas() as parameter. Awaited id save is async.
* @see {@link GetDeltas}
MbtPlanner.prototype.SetSave = function (save) {
if (this.Save == null && save != null) {
$(this.Id).on("contextmenu", ContextMenu(this.Id + "m", [
visible: true,
title: "Save",
action: async function () {
let r = this.Save(this.GetDeltas());
if (isPromise(r)) {
await r;
], null))
this.Save = save;
if (this.Save === null) {
MbtPlanner.prototype.GetEOW = () => _endOfTheWorld;
* Reset the planner, that is set Tasks and Resources to empty arrays.*/
MbtPlanner.prototype.ResetPlanner = function (keepResources = false) {
this.Tasks = [];
if (!keepResources)
this.Resources = [];
this.MinDueDate = _endOfTheWorld;
this.MaxDueDate = null;
this.MaxDate = null;
this.MinDate = null;
* @returns {array} Only altered tasks are returned. If the array is empty, then no task was altered.
* {
* Id: identifier of the task
* InitialCompletion: float, the initial value of the completion
* CompltetionDelta: float, the variation of the completion
* InitialExOrder: int, the initial value of the rank of the task.
* ExOrderDelta: int, the variation of the rank.
* }
MbtPlanner.prototype.GetDeltas = function () {
var deltas = [];
this.Tasks.forEach(function (o) {
if (o.InitialExOrder - o.ExOrder !== 0 || o.InitialCompletion !== o.Completion) {
Id: o.Id,
InitialCompletion: o.InitialCompletion,
CompletionDelta: o.Completion - o.InitialCompletion,
InitialExOrder: o.InitialExOrder,
ExOrderDelta: o.ExOrder - o.InitialExOrder
return deltas;
MbtPlanner.prototype.FormatTaskHeader = function (task) {
try {
if (this.CustomFormatter !== null) {
return this.CustomFormatter(task);
return task.IRef + ": " + task.Code
} catch (err) {
return "formatting error";
MbtPlanner.prototype.FormatResourceFooter = function (r, load) {
try {
if (this.CustomResourceFooter !== null) {
return this.CustomResourceFooter(r, load);
return r.Id.toString() + ": " + load.toFixed(2);
} catch (err) {
return "formatting error";
MbtPlanner.prototype.LastIsoDayOfWeek = function () {
return (this.FirstIsoDayOfWeek - 1) || 7;
MbtPlanner.prototype.GetIsoWeekForWeekStartingAt = function (jsDate) {
if (this.FirstIsoDayOfWeek !== 1)
jsDate = new Date(jsDate.valueOf() + (8 - this.FirstIsoDayOfWeek) * 864E5);
if (window.moment !== undefined) {
var m = moment(dateToString(jsDate));
return m.isoWeek();
var d = new Date(Date.UTC(jsDate.getFullYear(), jsDate.getMonth(), jsDate.getDate()));
var dayNum = d.getUTCDay() || 7;
d.setUTCDate(d.getUTCDate() + 4 - dayNum);
var yearStart = new Date(Date.UTC(d.getUTCFullYear(), 0, 1));
return Math.ceil((((d - yearStart) / 864E5) + 1) / 7)
* @async
* @see {@link ResetPlanner}
MbtPlanner.prototype.ResetPlannerAsync = function (keepResources = false) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
* Short for aysnc load task, then plan, then draw
* await r.QueryPlanAndDrawAsync(
* {
* url: "/DeadLine/ForPlanner/",
* data: {
* id: $("#@plannedUserId").val().toString(),
* period: $("#@plannedPeriodId").val().toString()
* }
* },
* function (r) { return r.ExitCode !== undefined },
* function (r) { return r.ExitCode === 0; },
* function (r) { appendMessage("res", "Something is wrong: " + r.ExitCode.toString(), "warning"); },
* function () { appendMessage("res", "Something is wrong, but I don't know what!", "danger"); },
* function (p) {
* p.AppendOutOfWorkDay(51, "2019-01-02");
* }
* );
* A json return **comprising a `Data` member** as an array of [appendable tasks](#AppendTasks) is expected.
* @async
* @param {function} queryObject a jquery object for an ajax request. Param is the return of the ajax call.
* @param {function} successEval a function to evaluate if the ajax call was successfull. Param is the return of the ajax call.
* @param {function} businessSuccessEval a function to evaluate if the call was successfull from the server point of view. Param is the return of the ajax call.
* @param {function} businessError a function to handle the business error. Param is the return of the ajax call.
* @param {function} error a function to handle the not recoverble errors. No Param.
* @param {function} beforePlan. A function to setup the planner before the call to Plan, but after the call to AppendTasks. Param: the planner, the return of the ajax call.
* @param {function} dataGetter. How to get the tasks from the response. Param: the return of the ajax call.
* @param keepResources. If true, does not clear Resources during planner reset. Default = false
MbtPlanner.prototype.QueryPlanAndDrawAsync = function (
queryObject, successEval, businessSuccessEval,
businessError, error, beforePlan, dataGetter = null, keepResources = false
) {
return Promise.all([
]).then(function (values) {
var dl = values[1];
if (successEval(dl)) {
if (businessSuccessEval(dl)) {
if (dataGetter === null)
dataGetter = (dl) => dl.Data
this.AppendTasks(dataGetter(dl), this.DefaultLoads);
if (beforePlan !== undefined) {
beforePlan(this, dl);
} else {
} else {
* Draw the planner in the DOM.
* @param {(date|string)} drawMinDate the almost first date displayed. The first date displayed is always the first day of a week.
* @param {string} mode "html" or "html". Default: "html".
MbtPlanner.prototype.Draw = function (drawMinDate, mode) {
if (!$(this.Id).hasClass("MbtPlanner"))
$(this.Id).html("<div style='font-size:" + this.fontSize.toString() + "px;line-height:" + this.dayHeight.toString() + "px'><div style='display: flex;'><div class='Tasks'></div><div class='Planning'></div></div><div class='Messages'></div></div>");
var perf_startDrawing = Date.now();
if (this.MaxDate === null) {
$(this.Id + " .Planning").html("<p>Nothing to display</p>");
if (mode === undefined || mode === null) {
mode = "html;"
if (drawMinDate === undefined || drawMinDate === null) {
drawMinDate = this.LastDrawMinDate;
} else {
this.LastDrawMinDate = drawMinDate;
var startDate =
drawMinDate === undefined || drawMinDate === null ?
this.MinDate > this.MinDueDate ? this.MinDueDate : this.MinDate :
while (getIsoDay(startDate) !== this.FirstIsoDayOfWeek) {
startDate = new Date(startDate.valueOf() - 864E5)
var drawMaxDate = this.MaxDate;
this.Resources.forEach(function (r) {
r.OutOfWorkDays.forEach(function (d) {
if (d > drawMaxDate)
drawMaxDate = d;
//var weekCount = Math.ceil((this.MaxDate.valueOf() - startDate.valueOf()) / (7 * 864E5));
var weekCount = Math.ceil((drawMaxDate.valueOf() - startDate.valueOf()) / (7 * 864E5));
while (getIsoDay(drawMaxDate) !== this.LastIsoDayOfWeek()) {
drawMaxDate = new Date(drawMaxDate.valueOf() + 864E5);
var dtn = getDate(Date.now());
let t = null; //la table
let ld = null; //variable date
let weekOfYear = null;
switch (mode) {
case "svg-experimental":
if (this.DrawSvgTasks === undefined) {
throw "svg not found";
this.DrawSvgTasks(weekCount, startDate);
t = $("<table style='border-collapse:separate;border-spacing:1px 1px'><thead><tr><th>Tasks</th><th style='width:40px'></th><th style='width:30px'></th></tr>" +
var h = t.find("thead").first();
var b = t.find("tbody").first();
var loadSum = 0.0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.Tasks.length; i++) {
var isLastForUser = false;
if (i === this.Tasks.length - 1) {
isLastForUser = true;
} else {
if (this.Tasks[i].Resource === null) {
if (this.Tasks[i + 1].Resource !== null) {
isLastForUser = true;
} else {
if (this.Tasks[i + 1].Resource === null) {
isLastForUser = true;
} else {
if (this.Tasks[i].Resource.Id !== this.Tasks[i + 1].Resource.Id) {
isLastForUser = true;
let taskHead = "<div class='PBar' style='width: " + this.Tasks[i].Completion.toString() + "%'>" + this.FormatTaskHeader(this.Tasks[i]) + "</div>";
loadSum += (this.Tasks[i].Load * (1 - this.Tasks[i].Completion / 100));
let r = $("<tr data-taskid='" + this.Tasks[i].Id.toString() + "'><td>" + taskHead + "</td>" +
"<td>" + (this.Tasks[i].Load * (1 - this.Tasks[i].Completion / 100)).toFixed(2) + "</td>" +
"<td>" + (!isLastForUser ? "<span class='ActionB Back'>↓</span>" : "") + "<span class='ActionB Complete'>></span>" + "</td></tr>");
r.on('click', 'td:last-child span.Back', function (e) {
var r = $(e.target).closest('tr');
var taskId = r.data("taskid");
var i = this.Tasks.findIndex(function (t) { return t.Id === taskId; });
if (i !== -1 && i !== this.Tasks.length - 1) {
var j = this.Tasks[i].ExOrder;
this.Tasks[i].ExOrder = this.Tasks[i + 1].ExOrder;
this.Tasks[i + 1].ExOrder = j;
r.on('click', 'td:last-child span.Complete', function (e) {
var r = $(e.target).closest('tr');
var taskId = r.data("taskid");
var i = this.Tasks.findIndex(function (t) { return t.Id === taskId; });
if (this.Tasks[i].InitialCompletion !== 100) {
if (this.Tasks[i].Completion !== 100) {
this.Tasks[i].Completion += this.ProgressStep;
if (this.Tasks[i].Completion > 100)
this.Tasks[i].Completion = 100;
} else {
this.Tasks[i].Completion = this.Tasks[i].InitialCompletion;
if (isLastForUser) {
b.append("<tr><td colspan='2' style='text-align:right;'>" +
this.FormatResourceFooter(this.Tasks[i].Resource, loadSum)
+ "</tr>");
loadSum = 0;
$(this.Id + " .Tasks").html(t);
b.on("click", "td:first-child", (e) => {
e = e || window.event;
var p = $(e.target || e.srcElement).closest("tr");
var i = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(p[0].parentElement.children, p[0]);
$(this.Id + " .Planning tbody").children().eq(i).toggleClass("SelectedRow");
var perf_DrawingTasksDuration = Date.now() - perf_startDrawing;
t = $("<table style='border-collapse:separate;border-spacing:1px 1px'><thead></thead><tbody></tbody><tfoot></tfoot></table>");
h = t.find("thead").first();
b = t.find("tbody").first();
var f = t.find("tfoot").first();
t.css("width", (this.dayWidth) * (weekCount * 7).toString() + "px");
ld = startDate;
let r = "<tr>";
weekCount = 0;
weekOfYear = this.GetIsoWeekForWeekStartingAt(ld);
while (ld <= drawMaxDate) {
r += "<th colspan='7'>" + weekOfYear.toString() + " : " + dateToString(ld) + "</th>";
ld = new Date(ld.valueOf() + 7 * 864E5);
if (weekOfYear > 52) {
weekOfYear = this.GetIsoWeekForWeekStartingAt(ld);
h.append(r + "</tr>");
f.append(r + "</tr>");
var baseDate = startDate,
baseRow = "<tr>",
prevResourceId = -12587;
let isTaskSpecific = false;
for (i = 0; i < this.Tasks.length; i++) {
let curTask = this.Tasks[i];
if (curTask.Resource.Id !== prevResourceId) {
if (prevResourceId !== -12587) {
prevResourceId = curTask.Resource.Id;
baseDate = startDate;
baseRow = "<tr>";
let ld = baseDate;
if (curTask.Production.length > 0) {
isTaskSpecific = false;
} else {
isTaskSpecific = true;
let r = baseRow;
var isToday = "";
while (ld <= drawMaxDate) { //endDate
isToday = ld.valueOf() === dtn.valueOf() ? this.TodayChar : "";
if (ld.valueOf() === curTask.DueDate.valueOf()) {
if (!isTaskSpecific) {
isTaskSpecific = true;
baseRow = r;
baseDate = ld;
if (this.IsOutOfWorkDay(ld, curTask.Resource)) {
r += "<td class='DueDateOO'>" + isToday + "</td>";
} else {
r += "<td class='DueDate'>" + isToday + "</td>";
} else if (!this.IsOpenDay(ld, curTask.Resource)) {
r += "<td class='Closed'>" + isToday + "</td>";
} else if (this.IsProductionDay(ld, curTask)) {
if (!isTaskSpecific) {
isTaskSpecific = true;
baseRow = r;
baseDate = ld;
if (ld > curTask.DueDate) {
r += "<td class='AfterDueDate'>" + isToday + "</td>";
} else {
if (curTask.Resource.BC !== undefined && curTask.Resource.BC !== "") {
r += "<td style='background-color:" + curTask.Resource.BC + ";'/>";
} else {
r += "<td class='Worked'>" + isToday + "</td>";
} else if (this.IsOutOfWorkDay(ld, curTask.Resource)) {
r += "<td class='OutOfWork'>" + isToday + "</td>";
} else {
r += "<td>" + isToday + "</td>";
ld = new Date(ld.valueOf() + 864E5);
b.append($(r + "</tr>"));
$(this.Id + " .Planning").html(t);
this.DrawingDuration = Date.now() - perf_startDrawing;
$(this.Id + " .Messages").html(
"Planning duration: " + this.PlanningDuration.toString() + ", Drawing duration: " +
perf_DrawingTasksDuration.toString() + " + " +
(this.DrawingDuration - perf_DrawingTasksDuration).toString());
MbtPlanner.prototype.IsProductionDay = function (day, task) {
return task.Production.findIndex(function (d) { return d.valueOf() === day.valueOf() }) !== -1;
MbtPlanner.prototype.IsOpenDay = function (date, resource) {
var d = getIsoDay(date);
if (this.ClosedIsoDays.indexOf(d) !== -1)
return false;
if (resource.ClosedIsoDays.indexOf(d) !== -1)
return false;
return true;
MbtPlanner.prototype.IsOutOfWorkDay = function (date, resource) {
var r =
(this.OutOfWorkDays.findIndex(function (d) { return d.valueOf() === date.valueOf(); }) !== -1) ||
(resource.OutOfWorkDays.findIndex(function (d) { return d.valueOf() === date.valueOf(); }) !== -1);
return r;
MbtPlanner.prototype.AddToWorkableDay = function (date, days, resource) {
date = getDate(date);
if (typeof (days) === "string") {
days = parseInt(days);
if (days < 0) {
while (current > date) {
if (!this.IsOpenDay(current, resource))
date = new Date(date.valueOf() - 864E5);
current = new Date(current.valueOf() - 864E5);
while (!this.IsOpenDay(date, resource))
date = new Date(date.valueOf() - 864E5);
} else {
while (!this.IsOpenDay(date, resource) || this.IsOutOfWorkDay(date, resource)) {
date = new Date(date.valueOf() + 864E5);
var current = date;
date = new Date(date.valueOf() + days * 864E5);
while (current < date) {
if (!this.IsOpenDay(date, resource) || this.IsOutOfWorkDay(date, resource)) {
date = new Date(date.valueOf() + 864E5);
current = new Date(current.valueOf() + 864E5);
return date;
MbtPlanner.prototype.GetResource = function (id) {
if (id === undefined) {
id = null;
let resource = this.Resources.find(function (e) {
return e.Id === id;
if (resource === undefined) {
resource = {
Id: id,
OutOfWorkDays: [],
ClosedIsoDays: []
return resource;
* Append an array of tasks to the planner.
* @param {array} tasks an array of appendable task object.
* {
* Id: not null, unique identifier of the task. task silently ignored if not set
* if two tasks has the same id they will be considered as one.
* Code: not null, task type identifier. task silently ignored if not set
* ResourceId: can be null, unique identifier of a resource
* Label: can be null, default : "", not used but in CustomFormatter
* IRef: can be null, default : "", case identifier
* DueDate: can be null, date yyyy-MM-dd or json date
* Load: can be null, float, default : 0, float the whole load (in day) for the task
* => can be set by Code and this.DefaultLoads = [ {
* Code : not null
* Load : not null, float
* }]
* Completion: can be null, default : 0, % of completion of the task,
* => load to be planned = Load * ( 1 - Completion / 100),
* ExOrder: can be null, int, default null
* OTask: the original object, may be used by CustomFormatter
* }
* @param {array} codes can be null. Default load for task code.
* {
* Code: not null
* Load: not null, float
* }
* @description Append a list of tasks to the planner and create the associated resources.
* there is no other way to append a resource to the planner.
MbtPlanner.prototype.AppendTasks = function (tasks, codes) {
for (var i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {
if (tasks[i].Id === undefined || tasks[i].Id === null) {
let dupIndex = this.Tasks.findIndex((o) => {
return o.Id === tasks[i].Id;
if (dupIndex !== -1)
if (tasks[i].Code === undefined || tasks[i].Code === null) {
let resource = this.GetResource(tasks[i].ResourceId);//.bind(this);
var dd = null;
if (tasks[i].DueDate !== undefined && tasks[i].DueDate !== null) {
dd = getDate(tasks[i].DueDate);
while (!this.IsOpenDay(dd, resource))
dd = new Date(dd.valueOf() + 864E5);
if (this.MaxDueDate === null || dd > this.MaxDueDate) {
this.MaxDueDate = dd;
if (dd < this.MinDueDate) {
this.MinDueDate = dd;
if (tasks[i].Load === undefined || tasks[i].Load === null) {
var l = 0;
} else {
if (typeof (tasks[i].Load) === "string") {
l = parseFloat(tasks[i].Load);
} else {
l = tasks[i].Load;
if (tasks[i].IRef === undefined || tasks[i].IRef === null) {
var iref = "";
} else {
iref = tasks[i].IRef;
if (tasks[i].Completion === undefined || tasks[i].Completion === null) {
var completion = 0;
} else {
completion = parseFloat(tasks[i].Completion);
if (completion > 100)
completion = 100;
if (tasks[i].ExOrder === undefined || tasks[i].ExOrder === null) {
var eo = null;
} else {
if (typeof (tasks[i].ExOrder) === "string") {
eo = parseInt(tasks[i].ExOrder);
} else {
eo = tasks[i].ExOrder;
var t = {
Id: tasks[i].Id,
Resource: resource,
Label: tasks[i].Label,
IRef: iref,
Code: tasks[i].Code,
DueDate: dd,
InitialExOrder : eo,
ExOrder: eo,
Load: l,
StartDate: null,
EndDate: null,
//Completion éditée via le planner
Completion: completion,
//completion déclarée par la source de données
InitialCompletion: completion,
OTask: tasks[i]
if (t.DueDate === null)
t.DueDate = _endOfTheWorld;
if (t.Load === 0) {
if (codes !== undefined && codes !== null) {
let c = codes.find(function (o) { return o.Code === t.Code; })
t.Load = (c !== undefined) ? c.Load : 0;
MbtPlanner.prototype.SortTasks = function () {
this.Tasks.sort(function (a, b) {
if (a.Resource !== null) {
if (b.Resource !== null) {
if (a.Resource.Id !== b.Resource.Id) {
if (a.Resource.Id < b.Resource.Id)
return -1;
return 1;
} else {
return -1;
} else {
if (b.Resource !== null)
return 1;
if (a.ExOrder !== null) {
if (b.ExOrder !== null) {
if (a.ExOrder !== b.ExOrder) {
if (a.ExOrder < b.ExOrder)
return -1;
return 1;
} else {
return -1;
} else {
if (b.ExOrder !== null)
return 1;
if (a.DueDate !== _endOfTheWorld) {
if (b.DueDate !== _endOfTheWorld) {
if (a.DueDate < b.DueDate)
return -1;
return 1;
} else {
return -1;
} else {
if (b.DueDate !== _endOfTheWorld)
return 1;
return 0;
* Append an out of work day
* @param {?("*"|any)} resourceId an idnetifier of the resource. If "*" then you alter `this.OutOfWorkDays`.
* @param {!(date|string)} day string may be a json serailized date or a "yyyy-mm-dd".
MbtPlanner.prototype.AppendOutOfWorkDay = function (resourceId, day) {
day = getDate(day);
if (resourceId === "*") {
if (this.OutOfWorkDays.findIndex(function (d) { return d.valueOf() === day.valueOf(); }) === -1) {
} else {
var resource = this.GetResource(resourceId);//.bind(this);
if (resource.OutOfWorkDays.findIndex(function (d) { return d.valueOf() === day.valueOf(); }) === -1) {
* Append a closed day
* @param {?("*"|any)} resourceId an identifier of the resource. If "*" then you alter `this.ClosedIsoDays`.
* @param {!int} day between 1 (Monday) to 7 (Sunday)
MbtPlanner.prototype.AppendClosedIsoDay = function (resourceId, day) {
if (day < 1 || day > 7)
throw "not an iso day";
if (resourceId === "*") {
if (this.ClosedIsoDays.findIndex(function (d) { return d === day }) === -1) {
} else {
var resource = this.GetResource(resourceId);//.bind(this);
if (resource.ClosedIsoDays.findIndex(function (d) { return d === day; }) === -1) {
* Set the the color of worked days for the resource.
* @param {?any} resourceId an identifier of the resource. "*" is inefective ins this context.
* @param {!string} color a color that will be set as background through a css style. Edit MbtPlanner.css for this.
MbtPlanner.prototype.SetBackGroundColor = function (resourceId, color) {
var resource = this.GetResource(resourceId);//.bind(this);
resource.BC = color;
* @param {string} direction "forward" or "forward". Default: "forward"
* @param {?(date|string)} from The date used a the first planned day. Default: now() + 1 day
* @description Tasks are planned ordered by resource, then by ExOrder, then by due date.
MbtPlanner.prototype.Plan = function (direction, from) {
let scale = 100;
var startPlanning = Date.now();
if (direction === undefined || direction === null) {
if (this.LastDirection === undefined || this.LastDirection === null) {
this.LastDirection = "forward";
direction = this.LastDirection;
} else {
this.LastDirection = direction;
if (from === undefined || from === null) {
if (this.LastFrom === undefined || this.LastFrom === null) {
this.LastFrom = getDate(new Date(Date.now() + 864E5));
from = this.LastFrom;
} else {
from = getDate(from);
this.LastFrom = from;
this.MinDate = null;
this.MaxDate = null;
this.Resources.forEach(function (o, i) {
o.NextWorkableDay = this.AddToWorkableDay(from, 0, o);
o.dayResidue = 1 * scale;
this.Tasks.forEach(function (t, i) {
t.StartDate = null;
t.EndDate = null;
t.Production = [];
switch (direction) {
case "forward":
var curOrder = 1;
for (let i = 0; i < this.Tasks.length; i++) {
var curTask = this.Tasks[i];
if (curTask.ExOrder === null) {
curTask.ExOrder = curOrder++;
curTask.InitialExOrder = curTask.ExOrder;
} else {
curOrder = curTask.ExOrder + 1;
if (curTask.DueDate !== _endOfTheWorld) {
if (this.MaxDate === null || curTask.DueDate > this.MaxDate) {
this.MaxDate = curTask.DueDate;
let load = (curTask.Load * scale) * (1 - curTask.Completion / 100);
curTask.StartDate = curTask.Resource.NextWorkableDay;
while (load >= (1 * scale)) {
curTask.Resource.NextWorkableDay = this.AddToWorkableDay(curTask.Resource.NextWorkableDay, 1, curTask.Resource);
load -= (1 * scale);
//scale / this.Resolution <=> fraction de journée qui ne doit pas être planifiée
if (load > scale / this.Resolution) {
if (load > curTask.Resource.dayResidue) {
curTask.Resource.NextWorkableDay = this.AddToWorkableDay(curTask.Resource.NextWorkableDay, 1, curTask.Resource);
curTask.Resource.dayResidue = (curTask.Resource.dayResidue + (1 * scale)) - load;
} else {
curTask.Resource.dayResidue -= load;
if (curTask.Resource.dayResidue === 0) {
curTask.Resource.NextWorkableDay = this.AddToWorkableDay(curTask.Resource.NextWorkableDay, 1, curTask.Resource);
curTask.Resource.dayResidue = (1 * scale);
if (curTask.Production.length > 0) {
curTask.EndDate = curTask.Production[curTask.Production.length - 1];
} else {
curTask.EndDate = curTask.StartDate;
if (this.MaxDate === null || curTask.Resource.NextWorkableDay > this.MaxDate) {
this.MaxDate = curTask.Resource.NextWorkableDay;
if (this.MinDate === null || curTask.StartDate < this.MinDate) {
this.MinDate = curTask.StartDate;
this.PlanningDuration = Date.now() - startPlanning;
exports.MbtPlanner = MbtPlanner;
function getIsoDay(jsDate) {
return jsDate.getDay() || 7;
function dateToString(d) {
return d.getFullYear() + "-" + ("0" + (d.getMonth() + 1).toString()).slice(-2) + "-" + ("0" + d.getDate().toString()).slice(-2);
function getDate(date) {
if (typeof (date) === "string") {
if (date.startsWith("/Date(")) {
date = new Date(parseInt(date.substr(6)));
} else {
if (!/^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$/.test(date)) {
throw "day must be a yyyy-MM-dd string"
return new Date(date);
} else if (typeof (date) === "number") {
date = new Date(date);
if (typeof (date.getFullYear) !== "function") {
throw "parameter is not a date";
return new Date(date.getFullYear().toString() + "-" + ("0" + (date.getMonth() + 1).toString()).slice(-2) + "-" + ("0" + date.getDate().toString()).slice(-2));
* For testing purposes
* */
exports.mbtpGetDate = getDate;